péntek, január 02, 2009

Miroslav Tichy

Őt azért nem akartam elfelejteni, mert bizonyos szempontból olyasmi hibaista nézeteket vall, mint korábban mi is, de ő hisz a produktív hibaizmusban, ez érdekes vonása, és ebben különbözik is tőlünk.
Mond érdekes dolgokat, bizonyos szempontból még igazat is adok neki, de szerintem mi már messzebb jutottunk, amikor felismertünk, hogy a nihillista hozzáállás éppen olyan mű képeket eredményez végül, mint a túl jó képekre törekvés.

Ilyeneket mondott például:
"He had to take such bad photographs to be the best photographer. You can't take good photographs to be the best - but you have to take the worst to be the best."
Majd még keresek szövegeket tőle...


Ez is egy lényeges:"Photography is painting with light! The blurs, the spots, those are errors! But the errors are part of it, they give it poetry and turn it into painting. And for that you need as bad a camera as possible! If you want to be famous, you have to do whatever you're doing worse than anyone else in the whole world."

Ez is jó:"The photographs are puzzling. They are not focused, not well developed and damaged by weather and careless handling. They were never meant to be exhibited and even now Miroslav Tichy objects to the success and fame. He carefully chooses the people he talks to and shares his opinions with. He has described exhibitions as a waste of time and says this world is nothing more than "a double shit"."

Ezt is mondá vala: " I’m an observer, not only of women, that’s just one motif, I observe the world. In the evenings I developed the films and looked at them under the enlarger. If there was something there, if there was something like the world, then I printed them on photo paper. But ‘world’, what is it? World? In any case it’s only an illusion. We see what we want to see. The world as will and imagination – Schoppenhauer."

(A könyvesboltban találtam, de kurvadrága volt, úgyhogy nem vettem meg, bocsi.)

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